This website will most likely be a thought dump, a random collection of notions, ideas, and things I want to note down. Maybe they'll be of use to you, or future me.
I am a husband, a father, a photographer, an amateur radio operator, a computer geek, and a mountain cyclist. I am generally known as Khaytsus in many places on the internet, and I even own https://khayts.us (it's just a fun graphic, however).
Other interests include geocaching, flashlights, and general electronics, I even purchased a work table and modified it just for my electronic tinkering.
One thing to note; I link to a lot of random stuff on this site for reference information but there will be no links to products unless I feel it's necessary to explain something I'm talking about and there will never be any affiliate links without the post being tagged as a Sponsored Review. If I link to something it is for information purposes only, if I am advocating something I'll make it clear.
Everything on this site was written by me no 'AI', no random sources. All bad grammar is mine alone. Everything here represents my experiences and opinions and do not represent those of my employer.
My GPG key is F9C5 4613 57B1 FC8A 4F0A 9C6D 2E40 97CF 4736 809B